Buffalo Trail PTCO
News From the Herd--January 4, 2021
Did you know Buffalo Trail PTCO has a facebook page?
Click Here & like us at Buffalo Trail Elementary PTCO for updates.
Don’t have Facebook? Then check out our BLOG at: Buffalo Trail PTCO Blog
Keep up with the latest PTCO information.
Thank you for wearing masks, and following all the social distancing
guidelines set by our school district.
A Word From Our Principal
Can be found here: Buffalo Stampede News January 2021
You should have received a PDF copy of our Buffalo Trail Family Handbook with the email welcoming your child to their current grade. As you know, procedures and information changes frequently during our current reality. We are constantly reviewing, re-assessing, and revising procedures with staff and students – we’ve made a handful of adjustments since having our students for the phased-in week and since having all grade levels in, all day. To that end, we have decided it is best for us to share the link to our Buffalo Trail Family Handbook with you (as opposed to emailing PDF copies) so you will have the “living” document and can see the most up to date information.
You can find a copy here: Family Handbook
A Letter from our Superintendent 1-4-21
Find information here on returning to school:
School Spirit Wear
Purchase Spirit Wear online at:
Did you know they have masks too?
No School on January 18
Celebrate Martin Luther King!
Do you have an upcoming kindergartener? Does a family member or neighbor have an upcoming kindergartner? Spread the news that registration for kindergarten is coming soon!
Info Here: Kindergarten Roundup 2021
With COVID changing everything, the PTO has been unable to
do the fundraisers we normally do. Even though school is remote,
the PTO still provides funds for teacher grants (to help pay for supplies
that teachers would pay for out of pocket), teacher assistants, and
subscriptions to magazines for the library just to name a few.
You can still help our school just by shopping at Amazon Smile and choosing BTE as your charity, by purchasing a King Soopers Card or by scanning receipts and clipping BOX TOPS for submission. All of these little steps help
our fundraising efforts and doesn’t add any cost to our parents.
Why not get extended family involved?!?!
We would love the extra help. THANKS!!!
During this time of social distancing, think of BTE when purchasing from Amazon. It doesn’t cost you anything but provides extra funds for our school.
Amazon - smile.amazon.com - Select Buffalo Trail Elementary PTO as your charity
We are still collecting Box Tops to get to our goal. Since the entire shopping experience has changed for so many of us, Box Tops for Education has developed another way for us to continue to earn our Box Tops. We know that this requires an extra step, or maybe two, but we really would love your help in reaching our goal.
To date we have earned $139.50 of our $1000 goal. With limited opportunities
to have fundraisers this year, we hope to make this one count.
Download the app to your phone to scan receipts and choose Buffalo Trail
Elementary as your school, it’s that easy! You can have grandparents,
Aunts, Uncles, and really anyone can help out too!
Or for online receipts...
Please see this link:
More ways to give!
King Soopers or City Market reloadable card - www.kingsoopers.com or www.citymarket.com Once logged into your account search for Buffalo Trail Elementary PTCO either by name or VD254 and then click enroll.
Office Depot/Max Simply make a purchase of qualifying products provide our school ID #70215818 at check out (they can look up our school by name) and Buffalo Trail receives 5% back in credits for FREE supplies!
United Way - Buffalo Trail receives donations from the United Way. If you give to United Way or one of their agencies, you can designate Buffalo Trail Elementary as a recipient.
While we can’t accept them while school is closed,
Please save them up for us!
is a program sponsored by Longmont Dairy that helps students earn money for their school and students. Longmont Dairy milk caps are worth 5¢ each and are redeemable for cash by participating schools only. Participating is easy as 1-2-3!
1. Drink Longmont Dairy Milk
(Eligible cap products include: Milk, Chocolate Milk, Strawberry Milk, Half & Half, Whipping Cream, Orange Juice, Lemonade, Raspberry Lemonade, Classic and Cinnamon Eggnog.)
2. Save the bottle caps. Save as many as you can—from your bottles, or collect them from your family and neighbors.
3. Bring your milk caps to school and put them into the collection box in the main hallway.
**Longmont Dairy Caps only, please!!**
Important Dates Coming Up:
January 6 to 8 - Remote Learning
January 11 - Back to in person learning
January 18- No School
Kindergarten Round Up Coming Soon!
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