
We hope this site provides you with the information you have been looking for in regards to Buffalo Trail PTCO. Thank you for being a part of our wonderful school! We'd love for you to engage with us by leaving a comment or clicking a response button after reading a post.

Where The Money Goes

Where does the money go?

There are fundraisers, restaurant community nights, fun runs, etc... Money, money, money. And one of the most important questions is “Where does the money go?”.

  • Large School Purchases

  • Teacher/ Classroom Grants 

  • TA Support

  • Staff appreciation and more

The PTCO board has meetings scheduled during the school year to discuss the spending of these funds and votes as a general community as to what is purchased. You are invited to attend those meetings when possible. This page on our website will serve as an update location for information regarding where the money is going. We will use this page to update you on current wish list items from the staff, profits made from activities and general information on where the money is going.

Profits made from activities and specific fundraisers (as of 12/6/2021):

Fun Run: $44,000

Restaurant Nights: $375

Donations: $675

Spirit wear sales: $675

Fall Event: $300

School Wish List

New Gym floor ($60-80K)

Digital Marquee (~20K)

Playground resurfacing ($50K+)

Hand Dryers (8-10K)

Current Year (will evaluate budget in March for additional items to be voted on)

2020-2021 School Year

No fundraising or purchases due to COVID

Large items purchased for the school in previous years

Playground Equipment

Musical Playground Equipment

Snow plow for sidewalks

Assisted with climbing wall in Gym

Here is a copy of our  2021-2022 Budget

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