
We hope this site provides you with the information you have been looking for in regards to Buffalo Trail PTCO. Thank you for being a part of our wonderful school! We'd love for you to engage with us by leaving a comment or clicking a response button after reading a post.

Board and Chair Descriptions


  1. President/Co-Presidents
    1. To call and preside at all meetings of the organization.
    2. To be a member ex-officio of all committees.
    3. To work with the Executive Board to appoint chairpersons of Standing and Special Committees, the Nominating Committee and representatives.
    4. To attend CCSD Parents’ Council general meetings or assign a representative (Parents’ Council Representative or Representatives).
    5. To sign checks in addition to the Treasurer.
    6. Review monthly financial statements with the Treasurer. (Brought to executive meeting)
    7. To appoint an examiner to conduct the year-end financial examination of the organization’s book. 
    8. To submit an annual affiliation letter to the CCSD Parents’ Council asking to continue as a subordinate organization under the 501(c)(3) tax exempt group status. 
    9. To attend a minimum of one CCSD Parents’ Council Leadership Workshop upon election. 
    10. To the best of your ability, to attend District functions where individuals from your school are invited and/or honored, including the Area Director luncheon(s), Exceptional Volunteer of the Year event, Open Forum roundtable discussions and the Teacher of the Year banquet.

  1. First Vice President (This position is held by the Principal)
    1. To preside in the absence of the President(s).
    2. To act as the Parliamentarian.

  1. Secretary/Secretaries
    1. To record, transcribe and distribute the minutes of all PTCO meetings.
    2. To maintain and keep current a copy of the Bylaws. 
    3. To handle all incoming and outgoing correspondence as needed by the PTCO.
    4. To maintain a current listing of the Executive Board and the Committee Chairpersons.
    5. To provide a copy of the Executive Board listing, including contact information (Name, Address, Phone, and E-Mail Address of each) to the CCSD Parents’ Council upon election. 

  1. Treasurer/Treasurers
    1. To receive, deposit and disburse the funds of the organization, as authorized by the Executive Board.
    2. To maintain accurate records of all financial transactions. 
    3. To submit monthly financial statements to the Board.
    4. To submit financial records for examination by July 15 to Executive Board (review to be completed by August 15).
    5. To prepare the Annual Budget in conjunction with the Budget Committee for approval by the Executive Board and ratification by the General Membership. 
    6. To submit a copy of the Annual Budget to the Treasurer of CCSD Parents’ Council upon formal approval by the PTCO membership. 
    7. To attend a minimum of one CCSD Parents’ Council Treasurer’s Workshop upon election. 
    8. To maintain and reconcile the organization’s checkbook with bank records.
    9. To register the organization as a Charitable Organization in the State of Colorado with the Secretary of State. 
    10. To file all annual financial statements/tax returns and schedules, regardless of income, with the Internal Revenue Service and the Colorado Secretary of State. 
    11. To send copies of each filing to the Treasurer of the CCSD Parents’ Council no later than 30 (thirty) days after such filing. 

  1. Fundraising Chair
    1. Research and present all fundraising requests to the Executive Board for approval.
    2. Attends all board meetings and general meetings.
    3. Organizes and schedules all fundraisers for the school year that are approved by the Board.
    4. Handles correspondence with fundraising organization; including contracts, fees, deliveries, solicitations.
    5. Follows the procedures set forth by the organization on handling monies.