Buffalo Trail PTCO
News From the Herd--September 22, 2020
Did you know Buffalo Trail PTCO has a facebook page?
Click Here & like us at Buffalo Trail Elementary PTCO for updates.
And a blog? Buffalo Trail PTCO Blog Check it out to keep up with the latest PTCO information.
Thank you for wearing masks, and following all the social distancing
guidelines set by our school district.
A Word From Our Principal
Can be found here: Buffalo Stampede News 8-27-20
You should have received a PDF copy of our Buffalo Trail Family Handbook with the email welcoming your child to their current grade. As you know, procedures and information changes frequently during our current reality. We are constantly reviewing, re-assessing, and revising procedures with staff and students – we’ve made a handful of adjustments since having our students for the phased-in week and since having all grade levels in, all day. To that end, we have decided it is best for us to share the link to our Buffalo Trail Family Handbook with you (as opposed to emailing PDF copies) so you will have the “living” document and can see the most up to date information.
You can find a copy here: Family Handbook
School Spirit Wear
Purchase Spirit Wear online at:
As an added bonus, there is free shipping from September
4th through September 21st.
Did you know they have masks too?
General Meeting September 23 at 6pm
We are now accepting nominations for positions in the Buffalo Trail PTCO.
The proposed slate is as follows:
President: Lauren Stavenger
Co President: Lynn Holat
Secretary: Alofa Staley
Treasurer: Accepting Nominations
Fundraising: Accepting Nominations
Please join us for our first General Meeting of the year via Microsoft Teams on Wednesday, September 23 at 6:00pm.
Here is the link: General Meeting Link
After that meeting we need your help to vote in our new board members and approve our budget, by-laws and money policy. A link for voting will be provided after the meeting.
If you are willing and able to fill one of our board positions or would be interested in joining a committee in the PTCO, please contact btptco@gmail.com. Thank you for helping to make this year a great one at Buffalo Trail.
Chipotle Night!
Tuesday, October 6th from 4 to 8pm
Bring in this flyer: Chipotle Flyer
Or show it on your smartphone, or tell the cashier you
are there to support Buffalo Trail Elementary PTCO.
Want to order online?
Follow these instructions: Online App Instructions
Have you downloaded the Buffalo Trail App yet?
Download the BTE app for Droid or iphone.
It allows you to receive important school info,
check the school events calendar,
easily report an absence, access the staff directory,
view the lunch menu and much more!
For Droid: Droid App
For iphone: iphone App
During this time of social distancing, think of BTE when purchasing from Amazon. It doesn’t cost you anything but provides extra funds for our school.
Amazon - smile.amazon.com - Select Buffalo Trail Elementary PTO as your charity
We are still collecting Box Tops to get to our goal. Since the entire shopping experience has changed for so many of us, Box Tops for Education has developed another way for us to continue to earn our Box Tops. We know that this requires an extra step, or maybe two, but we really would love your help in reaching our goal.
Last year we met $841.60 of our $1000.00 goal. With limited opportunities
to have fundraisers this year, we hope to make this one count.
Download the app to your phone to scan receipts and choose Buffalo Trail
Elementary as your school, it’s that easy! You can have grandparents,
Aunts, Uncles, and really anyone can help out too!
Or for online receipts...
Please see this link:
Important Dates Coming Up:
September 23 - General PTCO Meeting
October 6 - Chipotle Community Night
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