
We hope this site provides you with the information you have been looking for in regards to Buffalo Trail PTCO. Thank you for being a part of our wonderful school! We'd love for you to engage with us by leaving a comment or clicking a response button after reading a post.

Sunday, September 25, 2022

News From the Herd 9.26.22

Did you know Buffalo Trail PTCO has a Facebook page?  

Click Here & like us at Buffalo Trail Elementary PTCO for updates.

Don’t have Facebook?  Then check out our BLOG at:  Buffalo Trail PTCO Blog 

Keep up with the latest PTCO information!


Superintendent’s Update: Update from Superintendent 9.16.22

Check out the most recent letter from our principal: Herd Highlights 8.25.22







All Cherokee Trail HS feeder schools are asked to join in on cheering

CT at their football game VS Cherry Creek! See the flyer for details.







Buffalo Trail is asking for help from our community. Positions like paid ParaEduactors, Substitutes, and even crossing guards are available.

If you cannot commit to a paid position’s schedule then please consider donating your time when you can as a volunteer.

No amount of help is too small. There is always a way for you to make an impact in our school and the Buffalo Trail community. 

Let us know you want to help and your availability!

Please review the below information and have a talk with your child(ren) about your drop off and pick up plans. Remember that additional time is given and considerations are made in the event of inclement weather. Please do not make unsafe or illegal choices in an effort to beat the regularly scheduled tardy bell. We appreciate your efforts to make Buffalo Trail safer before and after school.


Dates to Note:

September 29: CT Feeder Football Game


District Events: (Please see district website for more information)

October 1: CCSD Veterans and Military Appreciation Celebration

October 4: P.I.N Meeting

October 6: I.P.A.C Meeting

D.A.C Meeting

October 8: Steam-A-Palooza

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