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Thursday, August 18, 2022

Back to School Bash

Get ready for some back to school fun!! The annual Back to School Bash is happening next Friday!! Pre-sales are now open and if you purchase by Monday August 22nd at 9pm, then you will save $2 on each child's ticket. Adults are free, but you must attend with your child. Flyers with permission slips went out today, so if your child(ren) would like to have some fun on the inflatables, please have that permission slip filled out, signed and returned so they may do so. We will have extra copies at the event.

Here is the permission slip in case you'd like to print our another: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ffnFD6Z2Rooxp998O0rlkh_uQZissVRs/view?usp=sharing

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