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Sunday, February 27, 2022

Buffalo Trail PTCO

News From the Herd

Week of February 28, 2022

Did you know Buffalo Trail PTCO has a Facebook page?  

Click Here & like us at Buffalo Trail Elementary PTCO for updates.

Don’t have Facebook?  Then check out our BLOG at:  Buffalo Trail PTCO Blog 

Keep up with the latest PTCO information!


Superintendent’s Update: Letter from Superintendent 2.1.2022

Check out the most recent newsletter from our principal: HERD News January 27.pdf

Remember that additional time is given and considerations

are made in the event of inclement weather.

Please do not make unsafe or illegal choices in an effort

to beat the regularly scheduled tardy bell.

We appreciate your efforts to make Buffalo Trail safer

before and after school.

This month’s spirit night is hosted by Noodles & Co. on the

28th. Let them know you’re ordering to support Buffalo

Trail Elementary School. Between 4pm and 8pm

Monday is the last day to bring in money for the Coin Drive!!


For information on how to purchase click the link below

Buffalo Trail YB Flyer 2022.pdf

Spring Picture Day is fast approaching so make

sure you place your order

online by picture day so that you receive free

shipping directly to Buffalo Trail ES

Click the link below and use code 67042HB to access our school’s link

Picture Day Ordering


BTPTCO proposes an increase in the TA Support budget line item of $8,000. 

This will bring the TA Support total to $16,000 to allow BTE to add additional TAs

or allow for increased hours for current TAs. The money for this increase will be

taken from the School Purchases line item.


We will vote on this proposed budget change at the BTPTCO General Meeting on

March 23, 2022.

School districts across the country, including Cherry Creek Schools, are facing

a critical shortage of substitute teachers.

Buffalo Trail needs you! Follow these steps to get started:

  1. Acquire a Substitute Authorization

  2. Complete a Substitute Application Click here: CCSD Substitute Application

COLLECT BOX TOPS! Box Top Flyer - Click Here

Or for online receipts please see this link:

Box Tops Email Receipts

 Dates to Note:

February 28 - Final day to turn in money for Coin Drive

- Noodles & Co. Spirit Night

March 4 - Last day to order yearbooks

March 8 - Picture Day

March 23 - BTPTCO General Meeting

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