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Wednesday, December 1, 2021


Buffalo Trail Student Leadership is organizing a Charity Drive to help those in need. We will be collecting items from Nov. 29 - December 15. Students can bring in items and place in labeled boxes that will be located in the front hallway of the school. 

Please view the list to see which charities the students of the Leadership have chosen, and which items are needed for each of them.

Movement 5280 - Baby food, wipes, diapers, toilet paper, and kleenex 

Denver Rescue Mission - Non-perishable food and hygiene items

Pawsitive Restorations - Bowls, Puppy Pads, Toys (no rawhides or stringy toys), food (only Diamond Puppy and Diamond Naturals Adult)

Samaritan House - https://ccdenver.org/colorado-homeless-shelters/denver-wish-list/

On behalf of Student Leadership, thank you for your support.

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