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Monday, September 20, 2021

 Buffalo Trail families!

We need YOUR HELP to reach our goal of $30,000 for classroom support, teacher grants, and school improvements!
You can help by participating in tonight’s challenge: The class with donations from the most states gets to go on a top-secret mission with the Booster Team tomorrow! Reach out to friends and family all across the country, and don’t forget to share your student’s link!
Thanks for participating & making a difference here at Buffalo Trail!
Top Classes:
Kindergarten: Hoffman’s class with $124 per lap!
1st Grade: Peterson’s class with $49 per lap!
2nd Grade: Bowen’s class with $55 per lap!
3rd Grade: Harper’s class with $72 per lap!
4th Grade: Jones’ class with $125 per lap!
5th Grade: Fiedler’s class with $103 per lap!

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