
We hope this site provides you with the information you have been looking for in regards to Buffalo Trail PTCO. Thank you for being a part of our wonderful school! We'd love for you to engage with us by leaving a comment or clicking a response button after reading a post.

Tuesday, August 31, 2021


Good Afternoon BUF community,


Tomorrow, Wednesday, September 1st, is Field Day.  Please remember to pack your student’s water bottle, hat and sunscreen as it is supposed to be a hot one!


If you plan to come watch your child, you need to sit or stand behind the spectator area identified by blue streamers.  This is located on the east side of the school near the baseball diamond as well as part of the sidewalk in the bus loop.  Due to time and capacity restrictions, spectators will not be allowed inside the building or near the classes participating in field day.


Teachers are expected to monitor their class during this time.  Thank you for your understanding that teachers are not available to have a conversation with guardians at this time.


There will be a sign up sheet in the spectator area on the sidewalk so please ensure you sign in.


We strongly encourage you to wear a mask.


Another reminder that tomorrow is Wednesday and students are dismissed at 1:45.


Have a wonderful afternoon!

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