
We hope this site provides you with the information you have been looking for in regards to Buffalo Trail PTCO. Thank you for being a part of our wonderful school! We'd love for you to engage with us by leaving a comment or clicking a response button after reading a post.

Monday, April 5, 2021

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News From the Herd--April 5, 2021

Did you know Buffalo Trail PTCO has a facebook page?  

Click Here & like us at Buffalo Trail Elementary PTCO for updates.

Don’t have Facebook?  Then check out our BLOG at:  Buffalo Trail PTCO Blog 

Keep up with the latest PTCO information.




Thank you for wearing masks, and following all the social distancing

guidelines set by our school district.

A Word From Our Principal

Can be found here: Buffalo Stampede News April 2021

You should have received a PDF copy of our Buffalo Trail Family Handbook with the email welcoming your child to their current grade. As you know, procedures and information changes frequently during our current reality. We are constantly reviewing, re-assessing, and revising procedures with staff and students – we’ve made a handful of adjustments since having our students for the phased-in week and since having all grade levels in, all day. To that end, we have decided it is best for us to share the link to our Buffalo Trail Family Handbook with you (as opposed to emailing PDF copies) so you will have the “living” document and can see the most up to date information.

You can find a copy here: Family Handbook

School Spirit Wear 

Purchase Spirit Wear online at:


Did you know they have masks too?

Community Night, Wednesday April 7


Limited dine in capacity, order online and pick up at the drive thru window.

Join us for an easy dinner night and support Buffalo Trail!

E. Arapahoe & Smoky Hill

25750 E. Arapahoe Rd. 80016

Aurora CO 80016

(720) 345-0600

Online Orders:

Dion's Online Ordering

The Parent Information Network was started with the goal of creating a forum for parents to discuss the issues facing their children.

Check out the their website at https://www.pinccsd.org/ 

For past and future topics.

The latest presentation information can be found here: 

Managing Anxiety and Stress in Teenagers


That’s right!  

Spirit Wear, Past Yearbooks, and other on hand items are now available through our online store.  Shop easily, pay online and items can be sent home with your student.  Many of our events will be moving to this platform for ease and to help with social distance protocols.

Check our our store at: Home | Buffalo Trail PTCO (square.site)

We still have yearbooks from PAST YEARS available for sale.

They are on clearance and can be purchased at our square store.


Or for online receipts...

Please see this link:

Box Tops Email Receipts

This school year's totals show only 68 people are contributing to the digital app. We would love to have that number be much higher.

If you haven’t signed up please consider doing so!!!

Thank you! 

 Important Dates Coming Up:

April 7 - Dion’s Community Night

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