
We hope this site provides you with the information you have been looking for in regards to Buffalo Trail PTCO. Thank you for being a part of our wonderful school! We'd love for you to engage with us by leaving a comment or clicking a response button after reading a post.

Sunday, December 10, 2017

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Buffalo Trail PTCO
News From the Herd--December 11th, 2017
Welcome back to school! We hope that you'll take a moment to read this blast each week to find ways that you can and help make Buffalo Trail a great place for our kids.
Did you know Buffalo Trail PTCO has a facebook page? Like us at Buffalo Trail Elementary PTCO for updates.
And a blog?Buffalo Trail PTCO Blog Check it out to keep up with the latest PTCO information.
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Join the Buffalo Trail Choir on December 19th as they carol through Southlands from 5:00-6:30 . Get some holiday shopping done and enjoy dinner at Chili’s to benefit our school!

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Do you have pictures of the fun run, field trips, fall festival, Veterans Day or any other fun events you’ve attended at Buffalo Trail?  Please send them to yearbook@bptco.org!

Important Dates Coming Up:
December 19th Chili’s and Barnes & Noble Night 5-8pm
December 25-Jan 8 Winter Break No School

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