
We hope this site provides you with the information you have been looking for in regards to Buffalo Trail PTCO. Thank you for being a part of our wonderful school! We'd love for you to engage with us by leaving a comment or clicking a response button after reading a post.

Monday, September 26, 2016

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Buffalo Trail PTCO
News From the Herd--September 26th, 2016
Welcome back to school! We hope that you'll take a moment to read this blast each week to find ways that you can get involved and help make Buffalo Trail a great place for our kids.
Did you know Buffalo Trail PTCO has a facebook page? Like us at Buffalo Trail Elementary PTCO for updates.
And a blog?Buffalo Trail PTCO Blog Check it out to keep up with the latest PTCO information.
The Fun Run is in full swing!  Keep those pledges coming in! The Buffalo Trail Fun Run will be September 30th. Money raised will go toward technology upgrades and teacher grants for our school! If you’d like to come watch and cheer on our students, AM Kindergarten through second grade will be running 9:05-10, PM kindergarten will be running 1-2 and Third through fifth grade will run 2-3pm. We still need volunteers! Please check in at the office before coming out to the field to help! Click here to sign up to help: Fun Run Volunteers
Do you like to be involved in what’s going on in your child’s classroom and in the school?  Then, we NEED you! Each teacher needs a PTCO Classroom Representative for their classroom.  Duties include attending PTCO General meetings, assisting teachers with PTCO tasks, and informing and coordinating other parents in your child’s classroom.  Please find your teacher’s name and sign up below on this link. Thank you!

Important Dates Coming Up:
September 30th Buffalo Trail Fun Run!

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