Buffalo Trail PTCO
News From the Herd April 11th, 2016
Due to the five snow days we enjoyed this year, school will be starting 8:53 am and ending at 3:35pm through the end of the school year to comply with state law and district policy mandating a specific number of teacher-student instructional hours.
Buffalo Trail PTCO has the following Executive Board Officer Positions vacant for the 2016-2017 school year: President, Treasurer, and Fundraising Coordinator. Election for these positions will be at our next General Meeting on May 10th. Currently, we have one candidate for President and the Fundraising Coordinator. There is no candidate at this time for the Treasurer. Please contact a current board member if you are interested in any of these Officer Positions. We also encourage you to preview the Officers Duties on our website www.btptco.org and/or the PTCO board across from the nurses station. And as always, contact can be made at btptco@gmail.com, we look forward to your inquiries.
There will be a PTCO budget meeting on April 19th for anyone who is interested in attending. It will be in the library at 4 pm. Also, please join us for our general PTCO meeting on May 10th at 6:30pm. We will be holding elections for board positions that night. Child care is provided.
We are so lucky to have the best staff in the CCSD right here at Buffalo Trail. We are holding a Teacher Appreciation Event on May 6th. The PTCO hosts a staff breakfast and teachers are able to spend “speidi cents” (credits they’ve earned throughout the year for notifying you of PTCO events, attending PTCO events, and other ways they have supported our school). Tax deductible donations are needed by April 22nd in order to organize them for an auction. Teachers will use their “speidi cents” to bid on items you and local businesses will donate. Popular items to donate are gift cards for various restaurants, services like massages or nails and for local or online retailers. Homemade craft items are also welcome. Additionally, if you are a business owner and can donate items or services, please do! Participation is easy. Fill out the attached form and indicate the exact name and retail value of your donation. We will use this information for advanced promotion and to credit you as a sponsor. Thank you for your help! If you have any questions please contact Katie McCormick at kmccormick456@gmail.com
Important Dates Coming Up:
April 14 Picture Day
April 19 PTCO Budget Meeting 4pm
April 19 PTCO Budget Meeting 4pm
April 22 Teacher Appreciation Donations Due
May 10 General PTCO Meeting
May 20 Spring Event
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