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Monday, November 9, 2015

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Buffalo Trail PTCO
News From the Herd--November 9th, 2015

During parent teacher conference week, we are taking preorders for Jim N' Nick's dinner.  All orders need to be in by tomorrow, TUESDAY, November 10th.  You can pick up your pre-ordered meal on November 12th at the school in room 405. Jim N' Nick's will donate a portion of sales back to our school.  Your purchase will also help provide dinner for our hard working teachers. If you would prefer to donate directly to the teachers dinner, you can send a check made out to PTCO to the office with Jim N Nick’s Teacher Dinner written on it, any amount is appreciated.  Please see the attached flyer for more information.

The Book Fair will be at Buffalo Trail the week of November 9-12th. Please stop by and check it out!  We need volunteers to help run the book fair.  We REALLY need volunteers for Wednesday and Thursday evening. You will receive a 5$ book fair gift certificate when you work at the book fair on any shift.  Please sign up on the link below.
You can also order books from the book fair online at:Online Book Fair Link

All classroom representatives should plan on attending the PTCO meeting coming up November 10th at 6:30 pm.  Anyone else who would like to attend is welcome. Tom Cox, the Buckley Air Force Base School Liaison Officer will be our guest speaker.  He will be talking about military kids and how to help them find their place as they move often to different schools. We will also be discussing upcoming school events and allocation of funds.  Babysitting is provided. If you'd like to be your teachers representative, just sign up on the link below.

Don’t miss out on new items we are offering during our Spirit Drive. Our drive will run from November 6th-20th! See the link below to order!
The yearbook committee wants your photos! If you took pictures at a field trip, the BT fun run, fall festival or other school functions, please send them to yearbook@btptco.org.

Thank you Buffalo Trail Community! We collected over 500 cans for the Aurora Share Project which benefits families in need in our local area.  Kudos to the following Buffalo Trail parents and students who helped deliver, sort and stack canned goods over fall break: Liza and Allison Hershman, Natalie and Jessica Bland, and Daniel Morris. Extra kudos to Allison Hershman for her continued coordination of the E4L Program.  She reports that Buffalo Trail will receive 100 points for each can that was donated for this Southlands Mall program. Way to go Buffaloes!

Important Dates Coming Up:

November 6th-20th Spirit Wear Drive

November 9-12th Parent Teacher Conferences

November 9th-12th Scholastic Book Fair

November 10th Jim N Nick's Dinner Preorder Forms Due

November 10th PTCO Meeting 6:30pm

November 12th Veterans Day Assembly 9:30 am

November 12th Jim N Nick’s Dinner Pick Up

November 13th NO SCHOOL

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