
We hope this site provides you with the information you have been looking for in regards to Buffalo Trail PTCO. Thank you for being a part of our wonderful school! We'd love for you to engage with us by leaving a comment or clicking a response button after reading a post.

Monday, August 17, 2015

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Buffalo Trail PTCO
News From the Herd--August 17th, 2015
Did you know Buffalo Trail PTCO has a facebook page? http://www.facebook.com/pages/Buffalo-Trail-Elementary-PTCO/137568601700
And a blog?Buffalo Trail PTCO Blog Check it out to keep up with the latest PTCO information.
Don't forget to save your Southlands receipts. Buffalo Trail is now collecting your receipts to help our school earn money. It’s as simple as saving your receipts and sending them to school with your student!  Our school is in competition with other schools in our area to win cash prizes for most receipt dollars turned in!
Order your Buffalo Trail Spirit wear AUGUST 17th IS THE LAST DAY !! Click here to order online:
Buffalo Trail Fun Run Update
The Buffalo Trail Fun Run will be August 28th, 2015.  We hope to raise money to make playground improvements, buy new computers for our lab, and provide teacher grants. Invite family members or friends to pledge their support as our students run! There will be a kick off assembly and kids can start collecting pledges August 19th.  We need VOLUNTEERS to help make the fun run a success! You can sign up here to pass out water bottles or to spray our runners!

Library Helpers NEEDED!
Mrs. Casali is in need of library helpers.  Please contact her at kcasali@cherrycreekschools.org if you can help!

Target REDcard
Target REDcard is a great way to help Buffalo Trail.  Target will donate 1% of your REDcard purchases made at Target and Target.com.  All you have to do is designate Buffalo Trail Elementary as your school and do your shopping.  Last year the school earned over $1000 just for people using their REDcard.

Important Dates Coming Up:
August 15th  Earning For Learning begins
August 19th BT FUN RUN Kickoff!!
August 25th Picture Day
August 28th  Buffalo Trail fun run
September 8th General PTCO Meeting 6:30-8:30pm
September 10th Back to School Math Night

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