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Monday, September 22, 2014

9/22/14 News

Buffalo Trail PTCO
News From the Herd-September 22, 2014
This Week’s Events

Boosterthon Fun Run event on September 26th
The Boosterthon Fun Run is Buffalo Trail’s major fundraiser fot the year that is a healthy alternative to traditional product sales.  The Boosterthon Fun Run will raise funds for technology, teacher grants, school events, a future shade structure, and more.  The Boosterthon fun run is on Friday, September 26th.  We need volunteers to help run the event and to hand out water to student runners.  We also need helpers to count funds raised on Friday October 3rd and 10th.  Please click here to volunteer

Other Important Information

Help Wanted
Point of Contact for the CCSF's Community Nights
The Cherry Creek Schools Foundation (CCSF) is looking for an individual to be the Buffalo Trail contact person for their Community Nights.  If you are interested, or for more information, please send an e-mail with the subject line CCSF Contact to btptco@gmail.com  THANK YOU!
PTCO Meetings
PTCO Meetings will be held every other month from 6:30 to 8:00 pm  in the school library and FREE Childcare is provided for each meeting on September 9, November 18, January 13, March 10, and May 12
We will have discussions on the following topics so  stay tuned for more info:  
  • What makes BTE so special?  Meet our Integrated arts staff
  • How can we keep our kids safe?
  • Food and Nutrition
  • Colorado State Standards
  • How to ‘transition’ to the next grade or middle school

Target REDcard

Target REDcard is a great way to help Buffalo Trail.  Target will donate 1% of your REDcard purchases made at Target and Target.com.  All you have to do is designate Buffalo Trail Elementary as your school and do your shopping.  Last year the school earned over $1000 just for people using their REDcar. To learn more or sign up click here

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