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Tuesday, February 25, 2014

February 25, 2014 News

Buffalo Trail PTCO
News From the Herd--February 25, 2014

Upcoming Events

BTPTCO will be providing dinner for the teachers on Tuesday 3/4/2014 as they stay late to conduct conferences.  This quarter’s theme is mexican.  Yummy!!  Please click dinner sign up if you are able to help.  

Earning for Learning
Earn points for our school at Southlands Mall by turning in your receipts to the front office, the box in the school library or the Southland’s Mall main office.  **Receipts must be submitted by February 28 to earn bonus

It is time to pre-order yearbooks.  They are available for pre-order between now and Friday, March 14 for $15 each.  See the attached yearbook order form to submit.  

Additionally, if you are a 5th grade parent and would like to place a special message/picture in the yearbook for your fifth grader as they move on to middle school, you can do so between now and Wednesday, March 5th.  See the attached 5th grade letter for more information.  


The nursing clinic at Buffalo Trail Elementary School is in need of clothing donations.  There is a need for pants, tops and socks of all sizes for both boys and girls.   Drop donations off to the front office and let them know they are for the nursing clinic.  

Interesting Information and District Events
Stakeholder letter from Dr. Harry Bull, Superintendent--You recently received a stakeholder letter via email from your child’s classroom teacher.  Hopefully you have taken the opportunity to read through the information provided and are moved to take action.  Please take the opportunity to let your voice be heard and contact your local representatives.  Please click this link for more information.

Vendor Expo - There will be a Vendor Expo  on March 5, 2014 from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm in the ISF building.  Any organization that does any type of fundraising to support children is welcome to attend the Vendor Expo.  EVERYONE is invited and it is FREE!! If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact vendorfair@ccparentscouncil.org.

Cardboard Challenge - The Cardboard Challenge is a worldwide celebration of child creativity and the role communities can play in fostering it inspired by the short film, "Caine’s Arcade." Kids are challenged to create and build using cardboard, recycled materials and imagination. On March 13, 2014 Cherry Creek Schools Foundation will host a Cardboard Challenge.   All grade levels are invited to participate.  Contact BTPTCO if you would like a copy of the flyer.    
A Day at the Capitol--The Cherry Creek Community Legislative Network (CCCLN) is again pleased to sponsor a Day at the Capitol on Friday, March 21, 2014.  This is a great opportunity for parents, teachers, administrators, and community members to come see first hand what takes place at the Capitol.  Meet and hear from legislators that represent our District, and learn about current legislative proposals that may impact education.  Please see flyer (available from BTPTCO) for details of the day’s events, as well as an RSVP form.  For more information, contact Jo Metoyer Moore at jocstm2012@gmail.com.

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