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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Lots to do today!

November 22nd is full of things going on at Buffalo Trail today:

**It's Chick-Fil-A day ALL day long to benefit Josiah's Garden (our reading garden) on the north side of the school.  Head over to Chick Fil A anytime today and let them know you are with Buffalo Trail, they will receive a percentage of the sales.

**Today is the LAST day for the book fair, stop by any time between 8:00 and 2:00 PM and get some books for your collection while helping Buffalo Trail get additional books for our teachers & the library. It's a win/win!

** Today is Friends/Family Day at Buffalo Trail.  I hope someone special is going with your child today to share in all the activities planned. The kids are so excited to show off what they are doing in school.

Hope you all enjoy the day... please send any pictures you take the PTCO email so that we can include them in the yearbook!


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