
We hope this site provides you with the information you have been looking for in regards to Buffalo Trail PTCO. Thank you for being a part of our wonderful school! We'd love for you to engage with us by leaving a comment or clicking a response button after reading a post.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

PTCO Meeting News!

Our first yearly meeting was last night and we had a few parents, teachers and community members show up. Thanks if you came out!

We went over the exciting things happening this year. We are in the mist of the Fall Fundraiser, get those orders going, all orders & money are due back at the school on the 18th of September!

The Monster Mash is coming up on the 9th of October - it's going to be a great time of fun and hanging out with friends. Mark it on your calendar you don't want to miss it! Look for information coming out soon!

The first restaurant night of the school year is on the 23rd of this month at Chick-Fil-A, come out and support your school and the grade who is the sponsor will receive 50% of the monies given to the PTCO. This is a great way for the grades to earn some money!!!

Our PTCO meetings have been changed to only five times a year! Once every other month and alternating between mornings and evenings - our next meeting will be on November 12th at 8:10 AM at the school. We are looking for your feed back as to what you would like to hear during the meetings! Is there a topic you are interested in? Someone you would like to hear speak? Post a comment and let us know what you think! You don't have to sign your name or anything. Just click on comments below this post and let us know WHAT YOU WANT TO KNOW? We'd love to see more parents come out to the meetings and use this time to learn more about what is happening in your childs school.

Looking forward to a great year!

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