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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Kindergarten Round Up & Enrichment

Kindergarten Round Up is this week! If you have a preschooler that will be attending Buffalo Trail in the Fall, you can head over to the District Administration office at Buckley & Quincy to register your child - if you have a child in the Cherry Creek Preschool program you don't need to register at the administration office you will just roll over from that program.

Once you have registered your child for Kindergarten you will receive a white form from them showing you are enrolled. On February 17th at 7:00 AM Buffalo Trail will open their Kindergarten Enrichment registration at the school - you have to bring that white form unless you are in the CCSD Preschool program to get your spot in the Enrichment program. It will be on a first come first serve bases so make your plans now. If you have any question you can contact the school.

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